Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A man with just a saucepan

Last night after a heavy work out, I went home. Rummaging through my fridge, I found nothing at a first glance. I was too lazy and tired to step out again for food. I had two options. Drink water and apple juice and listen to my stomach grumble or.... I took the "or else" option. A more thorough investigation of the fridge produced the following results. Hash browns, a tomato, quarter of a cucumber, a small onion, some coriander sprigs and a few slices of cheddar cheese. Also half a loaf of wholemeal bread. Viola! the perfect ingredients for a quicky. First, i chopped up the hash brown's into small pieces and lightly fried them in a pinch of olive oil. At the tail end of frying, i added the onion and the tomato into the pan. Between the slices of bread went the cucumber, the hash brown fry and laid the cheese on top. Finally, topped it off with coriander and shoved the whole thing into a sandwich maker. Coated the top with margerine and closed the lid.

What do you know! It was a nice toasted sandwich.

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